Whipsaw Builds World's First Automated Massage Robot

Robots are everywhere and slowly taking our jobs. A recent example is of the Aescape, a robot designed to give massages

Powered by AI and machine learning, it is an intelligent, intuitive massage platform completely controlled by you

There are four integrated infrared sensors on the platform that scan the user's body to create a detailed 3D map

The robot provides personalized massages with its robotic arms and padded hands according to selected preferences

Aescape features an interactive touchscreen console, Aerview, to control massage pressure, music, ambience, and visualizations

You can control and adjust the massage experience at any point in the massage

All your preferences are automatically saved for your next visit

For safety, Aescape has pressure sensors and emergency stop buttons

The robot provides varied massages and has adjustable features to fit users of different sizes

The Aescape team collaborated with San Francisco-based design studio Whipsaw for the innovative project