As good eating habits can determine your overall health in general therefore fresh food should always be considered to be eaten in your daily regimen. But nowadays people are so busy that they hardly get any time to prepare fresh meals each time they dine with their family. They often prepare fresh meals in bulk and then store it in the freezer to serve it later. They think that this frozen food retains the freshness, but actually not. Even the frozen stored food becomes stale loosing its fresh taste and nutritional value. VacuVita is specially designed for the purpose of keeping the freshness of fresh food intact for 5 times longer.
This design from Amsterdam, Netherlands is the only vacuum system that comes with ‘Easy access storage’. On attaching the main system with the additional food boxes called the Coveros, you can store the fresh food while preserving its freshness. Handling the VacuVita is quite easy. Its lid automatically opens after you touch the sensor located at the front side. After you close the cover, a vacuum is created inside to maintain the freshness of food kept inside. This way you can store your food in a sustainable way without making use of plastic bags and aluminum foils that are later gathered in landfills. Saving your food in the VacuVita, your food won’t go waste, which will not only save you a significant amount of money but will also help you to reduce your environmental impact in a stylish way.
When you store food inside the Covero storage boxes and connect it to the VacuVita system, you will be indicated that your food is safely stored inside a vacuum sealed environment by an indirect LED and a beep sound. The Covero storage boxes are available in three different sizes Small, Medium, Large and a range of color including Caviar Black, Pearl White, Ovarian Blue, Royal Dutch Orange, Taggiasca Olive Green and so making it possible for you to choose the one that compliments your kitchen décor. Check out the video below to see how it works:
VacuVita from VacuVita™ on Vimeo.
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