Hammocks help you enjoy the outdoors but you cannot set one up everywhere you go as you need supporting structures like trees or poles to hang them up. This is where hammock stands come into the picture. Calvin Fenton, the founder of Wyoming-based outdoor gear company Yobogear has created the Turtlebug hammock stand that can be set up in a minute and is ideal for camping. It is completely free-standing and fits easily in a backpack.
The Turtlebug hammock stand comes in four interchangeable sizes- Camper, Lounger, Chair, and Mini. The chair size is ideal for parks, picnics, beaches, soccer games, offices, and living room settings. The lounger size is perfect for campsites, poolsides, backyards, and patios. The camper size is offered for hammock campers who would like to spend an entire night relaxing and sleeping in their hammocks. It comes with a user-friendly rainfly attachment system. The mini variant is specially designed for kids and lets the little ones enjoy the benefits of hammock.
The stand design uses two tripods joined by a horizontal support pole. The pole is connected at both ends using glass-reinforced nylon hubs with hooks to hang the hammock. The tripods and the pole are made using 6000-series aluminum alloy with shock cords running their entire length. The whole arrangement stays together because of the cords even when the stand is folded. Once folded, the stand measures 20 inches long.
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Setting up the Turtlebug hammock stand is easy. The user needs to get the bundle out of the backpack, hold it using the hubs, and shake it to transform it into a stand. The Turtlebug is designed in such a manner that only the inner two legs of the two tripods take the load of the hammock and the user.
The third outer leg in both tripods functions as a stabilizing strut allowing the user to shift weight as per preference. This serves as an intelligent design and gives structural stability to the stand. The Turtlebug hammock stand has been successfully funded on Kickstarter and will be available for retail by the end of 2024.

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