Garden area is an imperative part of one’s house to dress up for the Halloween season. Probably with the same thought, North Syracuse-based couple, Stan Munro and Suzi Campanaro, recently created a massive dragon skeleton decor that extends to their entire lawn.
Located on 107 Sandra Drive, North Syracuse, their house is surrounded by a lush green garden area. So, the couple decided to embellish their lawn with something interesting that local kids would love. As a result, you can find a huge dragon skeleton resting in their yard. The skeleton is made from hundreds of pieces of recycled cheap particle board, wood paneling, and Masonite hardboard. It took almost a week to complete this eye-catching garden decor.
A drape of bone lies on the porch and catches the light at the time of sunset. There’s a 14-bone rib cage that’s tall enough to walk underneath, reminding one of the gargantuan dragons seen in the movies. The gigantic rib cage further tapers down to a massive tail, which extends around the entire lawn and finally wraps around a tree. Sandra Drive dragon skeleton covers the whole lawn area and looks absolutely perfect for the upcoming Halloween.
Well, this is not the first time when this wonderful couple has created something like this for Halloween. The couple actually began creating such creepy yet fun decor in 2005, when they built a giant spider with human cocoons on their roof. In the last decade, they’ve created various different scenes nearly every year. However, we really loved this cadaverous yard decoration.

Via: Syracuse
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