We used to find colorful cubic puzzles extremely interesting when we were kids. We still find them interesting, but solving a Rubik’s cube is not everyone’s cup of tea, however eating one can be. Yes, the tiny geometrical puzzles are just not a time pass game, you can eat them too.
Inspired by Rubik’s cube puzzle, Cedric Grolet, the popular French pastry chef created a cubic cake in 2013. The inventor’s cake design is getting loads of attention on the internet. Many master chefs from all over the world are following Cedric’s cake design and tweaking it with their own ideas.

Eating small bright colorful cubes of puzzle cake one by one is interesting and playful! Sadly, tiny blocks are not all connected. Therefore, you can’t actually solve the puzzle and then eat your effort. You can share fabulous looking cake on your social media with your friends and eat the delicious cake later.

You can prepare a cubic cake at home using a ruler, serrated knife, small offset spatula and straight icings spatula. While following Rubik’s cube design you need be very specific with cubes shape applying math. No specifications regarding taste and flavors are mentioned. However, you can choose flavors that you like and do modifications with your favorite colors.
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