Work from home culture is growing and many people have set up makeshift home offices. If you are a DIY type who tries to build everything, TRANSFORM BOX shared at the Japanese platform Re-SOHKO might be of great interest to you.
Conceived by social design firm Nosigner, it is an open-source design for a portable home office that can be folded into a box after use. Indeed a space-savvy workspace plan ideal for apartments and small living spaces.
Per the website, TRANSFORM BOX is a box that transforms into a manufacturing office featuring three separate movable units. It contains enough space to store tools and other accessories, plus it comes equipped with furniture such as a desk, cabinet, closet and a shelf. There is even an adequate cable management system for the unit.
When unfolded, it becomes a complete workplace for an individual and folds into a transportable-sized box for easy transportation. This way, the DIY mobile home office can be concealed in a box making it a drool-worthy idea!
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The drawings for TRANSFORM BOX are open source for anyone to try or commission someone else to make one for you. Head over to the Re-SOHKO website to download the plan for this DIY portable home office.

Via: DesignTaxi
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