Any newly launched outdoor gear widens the scope for outdoor exploration, elevating the experience of adventurers who explore the wild with their backpacks. Acclaimed Austria-based design agency, Studio F.A. Porsche has designed the Porsche Canopy Tent for such backpackers, to fuel their love for the outdoors, especially glamping.
Building on the success of the Porsche Roof Tent, the Porsche Canopy Tent offers style and versatility, ensuring a luxury outdoor experience. The outdoor accessory has a freestanding structure, ideally made for hanging out at the beach, for camping in the wilderness, or as a garden retreat. Thus, making it accessible, multifunctional and highly practical.
You can effortlessly assemble the tent by inflating it with a central valve and anchoring it in the ground using a storm-resistant fastening set with reflective belts. This makes the tent ultra-durable and weather-resistant.
The Porsche Canopy Tent has a total floor area of 7.5 feet by 7.5 feet, and can accommodate up to four people easily. If you are a privacy lover, the side panels have attached screens that can be folded down for working in peace. But if you are a nature lover and want to admire the surroundings, simply roll up the screens and enjoy the breathtaking vistas.
To underline the versatility, the tent comes with a zip system that gives the users abundant layout options. For example, You can make it more spacious by attaching the optional inner tent that can be used as an additional bedroom for more people to sleep. Furthermore, more than one canopy tent can be attached to maximize the space inside the tent.
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The tent comes with handy equipment such as a hand pump, side panels with a transparent screen for protection, a floor cover with Velcro fasteners, a vehicle connecting tunnel for seamless connectivity with EVs, and two side panels – one without a window, and one with a ventilated airy mesh fabric for protection from the insects.
According to the makers, the Porsche Canopy Tent is best paired with the Porsche Roof Tent for a luxurious and enhanced camping experience with your friends and family in the grand outdoors.





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