Whether you’re a pro athlete or a fitness enthusiast, keeping up your fitness and recovery during athletic performances is not easy. Water helps most of us get through the thick and thin, but it’s not enough to elevate fitness or more importantly, speed up recovery. Maybe the addition of hydrogen in the water can do the trick and help reduce induced inflammation and speed up recovery. At least scientists believe so. No wonder then, many companies – including water purifying pitcher maker Piurify – are making hydrogen water bottles that are meant to infuse water with hydrogen.
9.5 Oz HydroGenator Bottle by Piurify is a portable hydrogen water ionizer, that doesn’t vouch to purify water, but adds natural antioxidant hydrogen molecules to it so you can derive more health benefits from drinking the water out of it.
You just want to add filtered water into the bottle and it will dissolve hydrogen from the air into it and release harmful byproducts like chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, and ozone through the drain vent. The concept of adding water with more hydrogen than the two atoms that it already has is made possible using “Solid Polymer Electrolyte (SPE)” and a DuPont membrane to give us water comprising 3000ppb (parts per billion) hydrogen concentration over 10 minutes. In a shorter 5-minute span, it generates 1600 ppb.
This water is rich in energy but has antioxidants filled with ozone, hydrogen peroxide, and chlorine. These are dispelled by the Piurify HydroGenator Bottle, at will, to leave us water rich in hydrogen that diffuses better into our cells and tissues, improving hydration and cell functioning.
To be safe to use with kids, elders, and even the health-conscious among us, Piurify has made the bottle from food-grade materials. Retailing for $150 on Amazon and through the company website, the HydroGenator Bottle comes in a solo silver color variant with a display at the bottom half to show hydrogen concentration and battery life. Yes, the bottle runs on a rechargeable battery to induce it with hydrogen molecules.
Also Read: How to Improve Well Water Quality Using Whole House Filtration
Piurify recommends the water with additional hydrogen should be consumed within 30 minutes to ingest its health benefits since hydrogen begins to dissipate over time. It’s therefore designed to be compact – with only 9.5 ounces of water to consume per serving – to carry around wherever the fitness regime may take you. The water from the Piurify hydrogen water bottle generator is meant to be consumed as is, it is not recommended to brew tea or coffee.

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