Are you always ready to hit the road for camping to experience outdoor adventures? If yes, then there could be no better gear for you than a rooftop tent. The Cascadia Vehicle Tents (CVT) Base Camp is one such vehicle’s roof rack that travels with you on top of your vehicle to any camping site.
It is also known as ‘spider rack’ due to its thin steel legs that somewhat resemble spider legs. The roof rack is built from tubular mild steel pipes that are powder coated or galvanized to avoid rusting. Even bolts used in building the structure are of a high tensile quality to maintain smoothness while folding and unfolding. It consists of two major components – one is the bracket system that is part of its platform frame to securely place the folded legs of the tent.
The second one is the heavy-duty canvas bag to store other parts including bolts, nuts, ropes, etc. Aside from sparing room inside the car, the rooftop tent can easily pop up in no time and keeps your bedding tucked in place whilst you’re on the go.
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Moreover, it can easily be elevated in 15 to 20 minutes at your desired camping spot and is strong enough to withstand even toughest winds. It is indeed an advantageous equipment for campers to enjoy their stay at any place more comfortable.
This useful space-saving rooftop tent could be yours for just $1,995.

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