These days people are indulging in frequent outdoor activities, traveling, and exploring new places. For the lover of the great outdoors, camping remains one of the most loved activities but not all adventurers have mastered the delicate art of setting up a camp. When outdoors, it is important to carry the most useful camping items to make the best out of your spirited endeavors. To cater to such needs, Japanese label NEIGHBORHOOD, South Korean adventure equipment company Helinox, and outdoor lighting brand Claymore have joined forces to create a collection of camping essentials including the Nona Dome tent, Sunset Chair, Speed Stool M, Cot High, Table Side Storage S, and the Medal light.
Profoundly imbued with the essence of camping, the powerful trio has created each item to hone an unimaginable strength and benefit. While all the accessories are highly functional in the wilderness, the highlight is the Nona Dome Tent which gives the ultimate pleasure of being outdoors. The high-quality tent revels in a camouflaging pattern in gray, green, and natural brown colors that appeal the most to nature-loving souls.
Being utilitarian, the tent is very accessible for hassle-free in and out movement. Its sturdy structural build and water-repellent coated flysheet provide the ultimate protection from harsh elements. The accessory flaunts an unprecedented pole system that requires only one person to assemble and that too in no time.
Manufactured from aluminum and polyester, the tent is spacious enough to accommodate four to five people comfortably in its dome shape. Additionally, it can easily accommodate other camping gear in its interior like a cot, a stool, and a table while leaving ample room to move around. It fits right into a small carrying case and its lightweight allows for convenient transportation.
With the latest NEIGHBORHOOD x Helinox collaboration, your camping experience is guaranteed to be elevated. Backed by comfort, quality, modernity, and convenience – the tent is now available via NEIGBORHOOD for $3,432.

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