Scented candles not only refresh our mood but also stimulate our senses. But what if I say, they are a thing of the past? Well, not as of now until Myconos levitating firestone dethrone them and enters your home. So, what is Myconos? Consider it as a mini fireplace made of stone.
There are basically two stones, and both of them are made of marble. One of the stone floats in mid-air and goes on to defy some basic laws of nature like gravity representing cutting-edge advances in physics. The other stone serves as its base which creates a magnetic cushion between itself and the floating stone. It is connected to a power outlet to generate the magnetic field.
The stone not just floats but also rotates, creating a beautiful scene. You just need to simply turn Myconos on and let it levitate and spin endlessly. Just in case there is a power outrage, the levitating stone will fall back to the base.
The next question arises why do we call it a firestone? It is because there is a built-in bioethanol fireplace in the base stone that sprays fuel on the upper stone with the help of a micro-nozzle. Due to the rotation, fuel burns evenly over it and is a beauty to witness. To ignite the levitating stone, you simply touch the control button on the base and it provides a spark to the fuel automatically.
The whole process refreshes your mind and helps you stay cool and composed for the rest of the day. It is even helpful in during yoga and meditation activities, the company touts. I am not sure about the aroma the firestone delivers but if it does well and good, I’d love having this aromatic floating firestone in my house soon.
Also Read: 20 Levitating Gadgets That’ll Blow Your Mind with their Antics
Delight your guests with the Myconos Levitating Firestone. It is available in Monsoon, Marmara and Del Cammeo models. Each stone differs in shape and size and boasts a unique pattern. Currently being crown funded on Kickstarter, the Monsoon model can be pre-ordered for $183.

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