Understanding the outdoor needs and challenges of campers, Chinese gear manufacturer Wild Land and UK-based outdoor gear company Cinch have come up with the Kitchen Cruiser, a multi-functional kitchen that is built to make outdoor expeditions more enjoyable and hassle-free, especially camping in your RV. It is an ordinary-looking box that transforms into a full-blown kitchen, packed with several functionalities such as portability, storage, prep space, a detachable stove, and a sink, transforming campsite cooking.
Spending time outdoors is fun, but cooking outdoors is the most challenging. As a solution, the Kitchen Cruiser becomes a great choice when it comes to prepping meals under the stars. It brings the convenience of a home kitchen to your recreational vehicles as it doesn’t weigh much or take up much space, allowing you to cook instant meals even in the wild. It boasts a multi-functional design that facilitates cooking, prepping, storage, and cleaning anytime, anywhere.
It measures 4 feet long, 2 feet wide, and 2 feet high, and when it is closed, it packs into a neat one-foot cube. These measurements give the Kitchen Cruiser two operating heights, making it seamlessly operable while standing and sitting. This compact container is ready in a minute, as it can be easily set up by folding out the legs.
There is a foldable prep space on one side and a washing section on the other. A lithium battery-operated water tap connects to the water tank for supply. To direct it into the basin, just press the button at the top of the tap and access water for drinking, washing, and cooking.
The cruiser is also integrated with a generous, button-pressed slide-out storage to keep all the cooking essentials such as spatulas, spoons, knives, and scissors organized, clutter-free, and within arms reach.
The kitchen has a detachable gas stove for cooking a variety of dishes anywhere without a hassle. Due to the stove’s detachable quality, it is easy to clean. The Cruiser features a stove wind deflector to act as a protective cover for flames that get out of control, ensuring safety from any potential harm to you or the surroundings.
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Durability is one of the most essential aspects of any camping gear. To that accord, the Kitchen Cruiser is built to last and is rugged thanks to the high-quality space-grade aluminum. The built-in legs provide the kitchen with unshakable support. It is sustainable and designed with eco-conscious materials that are renewable and recyclable at the end of life.
Take your Kitchen Cruiser anywhere with its exceptional portability. Compact in design, it can be fitted effortlessly in the back of your car. Weighing only 39 pounds (18 kilograms), it is lightweight, making it transportable and easy to carry in and out of the vehicle. Elevate your camping experience with the Kitchen Cruiser, which is currently up for a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter and you can get it at an early bird price of $449.

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