After the elections, campaign trash on roadsides is a common sight that keeps littering the roads for days. But in Brazil something different happened this past election cycle, when Mobilize Brasil paired up with J. Walter Thompson (JWT), a New York-based advertising agency, to devise the Political Furniture Project.
With the help of designer architect and designer Mauricio Arruda, both the firms have successfully designed five pieces of furniture such as coat racks, stools, towel horses, side tables and coffee tables out of discarded political campaign boards. All these pieces of furniture offer both aesthetic as well as functional utilities for any small or large contemporary home.
According to Arruda,
It is an exercise in recycling that seeks to look into a problem as an opportunity. It’s an attitude that reflects a more conscious citizen, concerned not just about consumption, but also about the sources of raw material and how to dispose of what we consume, even becoming a recycler and co-author of the design process.
So, now you know how to clean political trash around you and convert it into useful home furniture. Arruda has also shared DIY tutorials with instructions on his official website for helping you create these valuable wooden pieces on your own, using a simple tool kit.

Credit: Adweek
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