Jura presents the symphony of coffee-making in its intelligently designed J10 machine. This bean-to-cup coffee machine can brew more than 42 kinds of beverages ranging from Americano and espresso macchiato to caffè latte. Jura J10 coffee machine is built to brew both hot and cold coffees with an added feature of crafting flavored coffees. Coffee making was never such a sweet-sounding experience for homemakers.
It combines work of art machinery with sophistication and style. The creation of classic coffee types is exemplary and so are the cold brews that are extracted using state-of-the-art and ingenious processes.
The coffee maker is powered by advanced technology like the Professional Aroma Grinder (P.A.G.2+) that regulates the consistency of the grind making it ideal for use every single time. The grinder is equipped with aroma control, which helps actively monitor the consistency of the grind to deliver perfect results. You can set the consistency from ‘mild’ to ‘intense’ depending on your requirement or the brew specialty.
You can swipe and select settings on the intuitive touchscreen. The machine has the Coffee Eye feature, which allows you to select the specialty. It is an intelligent cup sensor that detects whether you have placed the cup under the central coffee spout or the cappuccino spout.
Most coffee lovers and online journalists who have come across JURA J10 love it for something more than its functionality to brew hot and cold beverages. That one thing is the syrup option that it extends. Apart from sweet foam and cold brew technology that happens using the same machine, it helps create finely textured milk foam that is consistently flavored using a special syrup setting. According to T3, JURA J10 has a decent price tag of £1,795 (about $2,200).

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