We have seen enough of rocking chairs; but a rocking bed? Now, this is where the scope of novelty gets seriously notched up to a whole new level! Designed by Joe Manus (for Shiner International), the ‘Mood Rocking Bed’ comprises of a circular (cross-sectional) carbon steel frame that uniquely replaces the more conventional support legs and head board. Beyond the striking visual appeal, this roundish form allows the bed to be rocked whenever the user wants it. However, the furniture can also be used as a stationary bed by utilizing rubber stops that ‘lock’ the bed in a single position.
Judging by these modes of usage, the Mood Rocking Bed does have the potential to pose as a ‘multi-purpose‘ furniture piece. In its rocking mode, the bed can be used as a novelty party (or BBQ) item for enriching your fun quotient. On the other hand, the furniture in its stationary mode doubles up as a conventional bedroom ‘bed’ with unique aesthetic credentials. All of these advantages also take a conscientious route, with the materials used for the Mood Rocking Bed being upcycled.
Dimensions – 106-inches (L) X 64-inches (W) X 63-inches (H); for Queen size.
Available in – Pine, Oak, Walnut and Calico (with both brushed and blackened wood).
Via – ShinerInternational
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