You might be in bad habit of wasting water every morning- under warm stream of shower or while brushing your teeth. This routine of yours also adds up to running water bills, leading to high water bills at end of the month. Don’t worry, as the new gadget ShowerSaver by Green Starts Here can do all the needful to cut down water bills while saving water.
The device is somewhat like a water meter that indicates the level of water-consumption on its screen. It provides feedback to users with its built-in light indicators by turning green, yellow, and red- on the basis of how long the user has stayed in the shower. If will turn red in case of excessive water drains out and remains green when water is used in sufficient quantity. Moreover, it turns on and off automatically whenever it detects someone in the shower, thus conserving power.
Another good thing about the gadget is that it comes with a mobile app that connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth, so users can easily track water usage anytime through its app. Furthermore, installation of the device is also quite easy becasue doesn’t require additional tools or any plumbing connection. Due to this plumbing free connection, it doesn’t need any energy for its functioning and simply runs on rechargeable AA batteries.
You can bring home this handy device for $60 to lower your water bills and also to contribute your bit to save water for our green planet.

Source: GreenStartsHere
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