Riding on the success of Avengers: Infinity War, Disney’s Hollywood Land Park is selling replicas of Infinity Gauntlet which are actually sipper cups. Pretty obvious the sipper can be worn like a glove (like the one on the hand of Thanos, the supervillain) and filled with your favorite drink. Complete with six infinity stones embedded on each knuckle and dorsal side of the palm, the Infinity Gauntlet cup is a lucrative accessory for kids.
The cup fits on your arm like a gauntlet, and you can fill it with any hot or cold beverage. Although you won’t be getting any destructive superpowers (like Thanos did) as soon as you wear the gauntlet, it will turn you into a social media butterfly. Since the Infinity War gauntlet is currently only available at the California Adventure Park, it is fast becoming an object of desire.
Those who happen to visit the park can buy it for $20, while people in other parts of the world only have the option to buy it on eBay for an escalated price of $80-$150.

Via: Comicbook
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