If you have been out camping with rooftop tents, you know they pose some challenges. They sometimes are inconvenient to use as they may require a ladder to access them. There is also considerable wind noise and reduced fuel efficiency while driving with a tent tied to the rooftop, and of course, you cannot drive if the tent is pitched on the rooftop. Hitch Home then promises to free camping lovers from all such issues with its Hitch-type air tent.
It is a foldable air tent that easily connects to and disconnects from your vehicle. Hitch Home’s docking system allows for a versatile shift from a compact tent to an expansive winter tent, catering to various outdoor pursuits. The seamless combination of a hard case and inflatable tent design ensures a lavish and convenient outdoor experience, enhanced by a 5.9-inch air mattress for a snug and restful night’s sleep.
Hailed as the world’s first hitch-type air tent it provides freedom beyond rooftop tent limits. It weighs only 35 kg for a two-person tent so is lightweight and easy to transport. Also, the Hitch Home air tent offers a detachable design for separate use and easy transport with wheels. The set-up is also convenient as it only takes about three minutes to install as it is an air-inflated tent. One interesting feature of Hitch Home is that it comes with a 12V DC outlet which provides convenient access to electrical usage.
The Hitch Home air tent comes in two variants. One can accommodate two persons thus ideal for individuals or couples. The second one can accommodate up to four people which means a small family can enjoy a camping experience using the tent. Both tents are suitable for all explorers and blend comfort and connection.
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The body of the tent is made using polycotton and 300D polyester and is completely waterproof so that you can enjoy the outdoors without any worry about the weather. Also, the above-ground installation makes it safe for use especially saving you from uneven ground, insects, and small animals in the open.
Hitch Home has a vehicle-friendly design so it fits all kinds of automobiles including compact, SUV, canopy, pick-up, and vans. This project is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter. You can watch a demo set-up video of Hitch Home below.

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