Drinking coffee can be a cherished ritual, almost a cult, or a necessity, depending on whom you ask. Regardless, I cannot imagine going through my day without my daily dose of caffeine. Despite its bitter and acidic taste, it’s highly addictive and unquestionably the most popular beverage around the world. But everyone has their preferred method of preparing and savoring coffee. Some opt for French press while others choose pour-over, but I prefer my brew out of a capsule coffee machine.
Simple to use, consistent in quality, and mess-free, a capsule coffee machine suits both my budget and patience; the latter particularly because I find drip coffee makers and French presses a hassle to clean. But finding a good capsule coffee machine is also a challenge, which is why I head to seasoned manufacturers with a proven track record.
HiBrew happens to be one of my favorite brands that is known for producing everything from portable coffee makers to high-quality capsule machines. So, when the seasoned coffee machine maker announced its H6 capsule coffee maker for a Kickstarter project, I was excited to feature it on Homecrux. The company claims its latest machine to be a smart and versatile capsule coffee maker that is compatible with Nespresso, DG, Kcup capsules, ground coffee, and ESE pods.
But what’s unique here is the H6’s ability to automatically recognize different capsule types and adjust its settings for the perfect brew. In addition to the automatic recognition of four capsule types, the machine lets you customize your coffee experience.
It adjusts the temperature, volume, and pre-brewing time for each coffee type, ensuring the best flavor without the need for manual adjustments. As for ease of use, there’s nothing complicated about it. The users need to just press a button and a fragrant cup of coffee will appear before them.
Also Read: 10 Brewtastic Christmas Gift Ideas for Coffee Enthusiasts
On the tech front, the H6 is equipped with a 20-bar high-pressure pump, ensuring a rich coffee extraction. Paired with NTC and PID temperature control technologies, it maintains a consistent brewing temperature to avoid flavor-altering fluctuations.
For someone like me who finds it displeasing to clean a coffee maker, H6 offers an automatic cleaning mode. This mode cycles through the internal components to remove scale and ensure consistent flavor with every brew. Not to mention, the HiBrew H6 consumes only 0.0288 kWh, equivalent to 5 percent of a phone’s battery, making it energy-efficient.
For those interested, HiBrew is currently running a Kickstarter campaign where you can reserve the H6 Coffee Maker for $169, a 43 percent discount from the base price of $299 post-campaign.

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