Camping is therapeutic for some while others choose it as a way of living. Whatever your calling, if you too like to explore the roads less traveled, it is important to have reliable camping gear, including a grill or a cooktop of some sort. California-based Grill Game is among the companies catering to the needs of campers out there. It has introduced a much-needed camping accessory, a portable 4-in-1 multi-fuel modular grill called G1.
When you are out camping, whether solo, with a partner, family, or friends, the most enriching experience is to cook your food under the open sky, which is where the G1 modular grill comes into play. It is a compact, lightweight, handy, and portable grill that can be a great inclusion to your travel gear. Hand-assembled in the USA with a limited lifetime warranty, this grill is made using high-quality steel and weighs only 17lbs. It is an ultimate outdoor grilling multi-tool that is super easy to set up anywhere.
Since the G1 is a multi-fuel modular grill, it works out perfectly using propane and charcoal. You can even use it over a campfire and cook delicious meals for yourself. The grill has a simple design with 218 square inches of grilling space that serves as the ideal platform for a memorable outdoor BBQ experience. The outer lid has a wooden handle on the top and a round opening to let out the excess smoke. Interestingly, this grill also acts like a smoker when you are cooking using charcoal or wood to enhance the taste of food.
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The portable grill comes with a flat-top griddle, propane fire pit kit, stove bar, and KIC (Keep It Clean) mat. With the help of the stove bar, you can cook right over the burner. You can use it for boiling water and cook food items using a pot or pan for a wholesome cooking experience outdoors. The KIC mat helps contain any stray embers or grease drips. Once you are done using the grill you can pack it safely in the bag till it is time to camp out again.
The G1 modular grill is offered by Grill Game in two packages. The fuller 7-in-1 version is priced at $400, while the original 4-in-1 retails for $270.

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