Good news for camping lovers! The popular Savanna chair by Helinox has got a revamped life as the South Korean outdoor gear brand has yet again collaborated with Filson for a special edition camping chair. Filson has been in business since 1897 and the privately owned American company is known for men’s and women’s outdoor clothing, accessories, and luggage. Since the two companies cater to the same kind of users, it is interesting to see them come together for camping furniture.
The Filson x Helinox Savanna camping chair comes in Filson’s signature green color (otter green to be specific) and has been created using recycled bluesign-certified material. The camping chair is available in only one size and weighs around four pounds. The compact and lightweight chair has a high weight capacity of 320 pounds, meaning outdoor enthusiasts do not have to worry even if they are on the heavier side.
The chair has a high back and is quite spacious, so even tall and bulky users can enjoy a relaxing sitting posture. It packs into an included stuff sack and can be stored inside a camping vehicle or can easily be carried around on a motorbike.
The framework of this chair has been made using exceptionally robust DAC® aluminum that is shock-corded into the nylon-resin structural hubs. The kind of design it has allows easy storage and assembly at any outdoor location. The Filson x Helinox Savanna camping chair uses 600D recycled polyester as a building material for its seat and backrest. This fabric is durable and easy to clean so users don’t have to worry about anything. There are mesh panels for breathability which is a blessing if you are camping out in hot weather. Moreover, there are mesh pockets on both sides of the chair so that you can keep essentials and beverages handy.
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Savanna chair also gives you a second option for storage which is a clever design idea by the makers. There is a flap in the upper part of the chair that can be stuffed for neck support. You can simply place your clothing or towel in this space and enjoy a comfortable posture for your neck. The chair helps in creating a comfortable seating space for those who would like to camp in the wild be it a desert, plains, mountains, or even a beach.
Priced at $300, Filson x Helinox Savanna camping chair is a must-have camping accessory for those who love to travel and explore on their own terms. The special edition chair is complemented by the Table One Hard Top which can be bought separately if required. Imagine taking out this camping chair on a nice sunny day reading a book or enjoying your favorite drink. When it is time to hit the road again to a new destination, just take it along!
![Filson x Helinox Savanna camping chair](
![Filson x Helinox Savanna camping chair](
![Filson x Helinox Savanna camping chair](
![Filson x Helinox Savanna camping chair](
![Filson x Helinox Savanna camping chair](
![Filson x Helinox Savanna camping chair](
![Filson x Helinox Savanna camping chair](
![Filson x Helinox Savanna camping chair](
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