The very working scope of OLED is based upon an organic compound layer that emits light due to its ‘activation’ by passing of electric current. And, now a German company, EMDEOLED in collaboration with Braunschweig University of Technology has developed a novel technology where the inside of the glass bulb can be coated with this advanced OLED layer. In other words, the new breed of next generation light bulbs will have an inner-coating of OLED, thus making their credible case as energy efficient LED alternatives to conventional bulbs. This comes in contrast to contemporary OLED technology, where the applications of OLED are rather limited to device displays than actual lighting mechanisms.
Coming to the project in question, EMDEOLED has actually developed two prototypes based on two OLED types – P-OLEDs and SM-OLEDs. According to the researchers these conceptions can have two distinct advantages over other light oriented technologies. Firstly, the manufacturing process becomes easier with the OLED layer being sealed inside the glass. Secondly, and more importantly, the inner coating allows for a higher material yield, which can lead to significant drops in cost of layered OLEDs (when compared to flat OLEDs).
Via: OLED-Info
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