ROMR Gear is a company that offers products for hiking and mountain expeditions. Lately, its new offering named Elite 2 tent has been in the news for its awesome design and functionality. Tent is one of the crucial items to have in your backpack when hiking or exploring tough terrains but most of the tents are cumbersome and too heavy to carry around.
Elite 2 tent is designed considering the requirements of backcountry expeditions and it can sustain in all kinds of weather, especially rainy and cold seasons. It is a single-wall hybrid tent built to last with its windproof and waterproof design and features. It is a handy tent that can easily handle low temperatures providing secure and comfortable shelter.
The buyers can choose from two options of tents provided by the company – Elite 2 and Elite 2 Pro tents. The first one offers a base and top made from silicone and polyester. It guarantees robustness and resistance to a level that it doesn’t collapse and offers utmost comfort. Elite 2 Pro tent on the other hand is slightly superior from the base version as it is made with Dyneema. It is a high-performance tent that can be used in different weather conditions.
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Both tents have a floor width of 50 inches by 86 inches and can easily serve as shelter for two persons. The notable difference between the two versions is that the standard Elite 2 tent weighs 1.27 kg while the Pro is ultralightweight at 0.95 kg. The tents have air vents and doors featuring water-repelling Aquaguard YKK zippers.
Elite 2 tent can be set up in only two minutes because of its innovative design and numbered components. Such an accessory is a blessing to have during mountain hiking as the weather is always unpredictable out there. The robust and premium quality aluminum tent poles make setting up easy for the user and can be stored easily when not in use.
Overall, the Elite 2 tent is a must-have item for camping enthusiasts due to its quality, superior design, lightweight material, and easy set-up. It is available for $670 with free delivery for customers in the USA and Canada.

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It seems like Romr gear has closed down? If so, that’s a bummer 🙁