Would you like to see your baby sit on an Iron Throne and rule Westeros? If yes, then get down to making a throne, just like Allison of ModMischief has. Allison has turned a toddler-sized plastic lawn chair to resemble the Iron Throne from the Game of Thrones television series. The baby-sized iron throne is actually made using foam floor mats, craft foam sheets, and is painted in a way to look so ironish. Did you guess it in the first look?
If you wish to make one, the process is easy as pie. Start by gluing up and covering the open areas of back and sides of the chair with cut pieces of foam floor mat. Make a paper or cardboard template, and use it to cut out the swords of the foam floor mat using scissors or craft knife (you can even use a laser cutter to save yourself some time). Cutting out sufficient swords for the project will surely be the most crucial and time-consuming task.
To simplify the process, one can also paste the chair with plain elongated strips of craft foam as the base layer, and then glue the swords. Once all the areas on the chair are covered with craft foam swords, spray paint the entire chair in gray to complete the look. Whether you’ll put this DIY Iron Throne outdoors or place it inside your home, it will be an attention grabber for sure.
Also Read: 12 Dad Creations that Prepare Kids for Galaxy Far, Far Away
If you have craft foam lying at home, put it to work and make an Iron Throne for your toddler. Check out the full tutorial at Instructables, it is a simple DIY project that’ll surely make your kid happy and you the best parent in your neighborhood.

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