We all want to buy big homes that are filled with beautiful furniture, accessories and a world of amenities but there are some people who just want a cute little home that will protect them from sun, rain and cold. With an idea to live off the grid in their own fine way, an American couple, converted 1990 old Blue Bird bus into tiny home on wheels. House Bus (HB), as they call it, is very comfortable, cozy and incredible. The outer look of the bus home is left largely untouched but as soon as you step inside, it’s a fully furnished RV.
Julie and Andrew Puckett live in their House Bus with their loving pets Mr. Butters (cat) and Starbuck (dog).
Their bus home is parked in the lush green area of Georgia, 30 minutes away from Atlanta. When the couple decided to move into the bus they knew that it not going to be easy, Julie says, the biggest obstacle was “paring down our belongings to just the essentials and our most beloved items into it.
Also Read: 12+ inspiring bus conversions to ignite your wanderlust
Old blue bus previously was a camper van so its condition was fairly good, the couple renovated it within four months. The only task was to convert interiors with comfy living room. Luckily, Julie’s father is a talented carpenter so he helped them in developing the kitchen and bedroom area. Julie decorated home with cute arrow imprinted curtains and other fancy decorative stuff.
Now, the couple is happily living in their new home. The most awesome thing about the dream home is, it is drivable. The couple roam about the city in their House Bus – can you beat the feeling?

Via: Apartment Therapy
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