More than a billion people worldwide are devoid of adequate shelter, Behrokh Khoshnevis director of South California University’s Manufacturing Engineering Graduate Program believes 3D printing could be one significant solution to this problem. In order to address the problem of sufficient shelter, Khoshnevis is developing Contour Crafting 3D printers, which can build an entire 2,500 square foot house in 20 hours. That can sound too good to be true, but if you hit the jump to see video demonstration of a mammoth prototype 3D printer erecting a concrete wall layer by layer, you will believe it for sure.
The demonstration reveals how a nozzle of the Contour Crafting 3D printers discharge high performance, dense concrete to build walls. The walls erected are completely hollow to save on material and make them lightweight. But for strength, the walls clock 10,000 psi (pound per square inch), in contrast, that’s more than the walls in your house. Khoshnevis informs that Contour Crafting 3D printer besides secreting concrete can also do electrical fittings, plumbing jobs, tiling chores, finishing work and painting of the interiors and exteriors.
To keep things almost real, Contour Crafting 3D printers can make building structures with curved walls too. If believed, Khoshnevis says the 3D printers his team is building could easily build a 2,500 sq foot home in under 20 seconds. NASA is currently backing the Contour Crafting project which is a quick, safe and really economical way to produced customized homes and neighborhoods. Are you ready to shift into a 3D printed home?
Via: IBTimes
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