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US outdoor gear brand iKamper designs large, mobile and comfortable rooftop tents that can be easily set up to camp…
Just in time for the release of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, ThinkGeek has released new Death Star Lamp.…
Netherlands-based ceramics and furniture online retailer, Studio Lorier has created an ultimate self-watering flowerpot for busy workers to keep their…
Students and faculty member of The School of Architecture at Texas, in collaboration with Lady Johnson Wildflower Center, have explored…
Tokyo-born designer Yusuke Murakami collaborated with London-based brand Tangent Design and Invention Ltd to make Dubai Design Week 2016 unforgettable by screening a colorful light show…
Glow Design is a Tokyo-based firm that has an international team of experts from different designing backgrounds. After getting inspiration…
Many People have dreams of living in a house nestled between trees, but more than this, an Imgur user TreehouseBuilder…
The Larkfleet Group, a British builder company with a strong record in building high-quality homes, has conceptualized and begun testing…
Although Halloween is gone for this year, but we seriously couldn’t resist sharing this spooking confection with you. Taking “Death…
Want a piece of land on Mars? Well, that may not be possible, but National Geographic’s new TV series called…