You’d never be able to guess anything odd in this house from a distance but on getting closer to it you’ll realize that it is not at all conventional because it’s made entirely out of trash. We are not talking about nicely recycled plastic or reclaimed wood here, but we are mentioning about real waste like old floppy discs, toothbrushes, razors, denim, carpets, etc. Thus, truly living up to its name the Waste House. It is located at the University of Brighton campus and is designed by Sussex studio BBM architects with the help of several undergraduate University students.
The foundation of the building is constructed from blast-furnace slag, used carpet tiles are cladded onto the walls and the whole house is completely insulated with waste from floppy discs to toothbrushes. To be precise, total 20,000 toothbrushes, 4,000 DVD cases, 2,000 floppy discs and two tons of denim pieces have been used for insulating the building.
To showcase waste materials that went inside it, small glass panels are fixed onto its roof and walls for peeking inside to find out- what is keeping the house insulated from inside. The Waste House is declared as UK’s first trash-based permanent building, showcasing the appropriate use of the discarded material.
The finished building will now be used as a combined community center, research center and a place for teaching university students about sustainable building designs. The architects of this particular house have proved that it is possible to construct a permanent building out of rubbish waste materials.
Via: Dezeen
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