Honestly, no other item sparks my pride quite like a backpack. Compact, lightweight, and easy to carry, backpacks ignite wanderlust and are a cost-effective and stylish alternative to traditional duffel bags. We have been through a range of backpacks and options like outdoor furniture or a chair that can fold up into a backpack. In the league, BOLOTOR Bolo Packs make its own space with dual functionality for summer camping and picnics.
Michael Stein, a seasoned entrepreneur has launched a Kickstarter campaign for his latest innovation the Bolo Packs. Designed to elevate your outdoor experiences, the Bolo Packs are no ordinary rucksacks but rather ‘multifunctional backpacks’ with an array of features.
The backpack can not only be used to stash and carry camping essentials but also be utilized as a cooler and versatile 8×8 tarp. Discussing its cooler properties first; the backpack features a detachable compartment that when filled with ice can be used as a portable beverage cooler.
The ice doesn’t melt or leak out of the backpack courtesy of 210D nylon ripstop fabric, with an insulation mechanism ensuring your beverages remain cold, even on the hottest days. Furthermore, the tear-resistant and long-lasting construction of the backpack alongside the waterproof zipper makes this camping rig best suited for rugged environments.
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Besides functioning as a detachable cooler, the backpack also incorporates an 8×8 tarp that can be turned into a hammock or picnic mat. Not to mention, its use as a pop-up tent sidewall offers protection from rain, sun, and wind. “Crafted for ultimate comfort, it seamlessly integrates into our innovative system, ensuring effortless setup and adaptability in any outdoor setting,” states the maker.
BOLOTOR Bolo Packs are available in green, gray, and navy colors, and are currently being crowdfunded on Kickstarter and can be preordered for a nominal price of $210.

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