Plastic has been around for a rather short time but it has had an unprecedented impact on the health of the planet. It has become a part of our lives but in a fairly disposable sense, resulting in huge waste proportions. Now its unregulated use has become a pressing concern, as it poses a threat to the natural environment, and every living being on earth is affected by it. To cater to this concern, design company Polimair has recycled discarded plastic into the Beluga chair kit that will last longer in a sustainable manner.
It started in 1907 when plastic was essentially created to replace ivory in billiard balls. No one would have thought then that it would evolve to become such an ecological concern and a challenge to society due to its disposable nature. The design team of Polimair took this challenge seriously and responded by digging out its natural essence as a useful material that is made to last. According to Polimair, “Plastic is an absolute emergency. But the good news is that its worst flaw in nature is also its greatest quality in the home: it’s durable.”
Arthur Guadenz of Polimair has unveiled a new perspective on its use and has designed the distinctive Beluga chair in a kit form – a first of its kind – using 100 percent recycled plastic. Considering the material’s durability and reusable nature, the designer created an all-plastic Beluga chair kit that transcends the preset ideology around plastic consumption.
For the company, it is a significant step towards conserving the environment and mitigating the unauthorized use of plastic. The chair is mono-material, which means that only a single material has been used in the making. It is made exclusively from recycled PA6, usually with discarded fishing nets, collected and upcycled in France.
This thoughtfully clever idea of designing a chair in a kit form is to ensure that if any part of a chair breaks, it is replaced or repaired while minimizing CO2 emissions and making it long-lasting. Notably, its design is so efficient that it can be assembled without the need for any additional materials like steel screws, glue, or wood.
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The chair is made to be durable, without compromising on its style and functionality. It is mindfully manufactured so the product doesn’t leave any microplastics, and no cutting, sanding, or reworking is required.
The Beluga chair doesn’t compromise on quality and consumes plastic in a different form, in a more sustainable way. Its kit form ensures that it lasts for generations, guaranteeing maximum comfort, while relieving the ecological pressure.

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