When it comes to picky eating, children certainly take the cake and many parents keep asking experts some tips to get their kids eating healthy vegetables especially peppers. But Asda, online grocery store, is aiming to change that forever by launching the world’s first stripped pepper that company claims to be healthier and sweeter than conventional bell peppers.
These eye-catching red and yellow stripped peppers are grown as natural mutation by Dutch firm 4Evergreen to encourage choosy children to eat their veggies. According to the firm, the stripy veggies are having high levels of vitamin C as compared to oranges. This is because these plants absorb less fertilizer and water, so can soak up more nutrients.
Besides colorful characteristic, the central portion of these edible plants is filled with sprouts and bulbs. Due to such additional eatable fillers, they weigh more than a traditional pepper and provide different flavor options to consumers. Sounds quite delicious! The combination of red and yellow peppers is already available commercially for £1 (approx. US $1.5).

Via: Telegraph
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