A reignited desire to connect with nature has prompted man to venture outside and as such, the demand for exceptional outdoor gear has increased. Various outdoor companies provide unique and highly-functional tents to make camping expeditions more comfortable. But pitching a tent alone can be a gigantic task for solo campers. To that accord, the California-based outdoor company Aerogogo has created Aerotent, an inflatable tent that can be erected by one person within five minutes.
Aerogogo has developed a range of inflatable camping tents that can be inflated easily with the provided air pump. The Aerotent series comes in two models: the Sphere tent which weighs 16.5 kg and the Moon tent which weighs 9 kg. Lightweight and durable, these tents are easy to transport to the campsite, even for bike-packing adventures.
The tents are equipped with a one-button set-up inflatable frame structure, built for effortless tent pitching. Replacing the rigid tent poles, Aerotent utilizes crisscrossing TPU air columns over a lightweight yet durable and flame-resistant, Oxford 150D material used for the dome. The battery-powered GIGA pump 80 makes the process of setting up camp incredibly easy.
The Sphere tent inflates with the press of a button in just five minutes and creates a 75-square-foot interior space accommodating 4-6 people. It has a skylight in the center of the ceiling, so you can gaze at the sky full of stars. It also has three doors and three large mesh windows, allowing flexibility and views to pour in.
Also read: Space Acacia 3-in-1 Tent Makes Glamping a Year-Round Activity
The design of the Moon tent is similar to the Sphere tent. With a spacious interior of 70-square-foot, it accommodates 2-4 persons. It takes only four minutes to inflate and deflates in three seconds. This tent has three doors but no windows. Moreover, the Moon tent can be set up as two separate pods with a mesh-covered layer leaving an open space in between.
The Aerotent Sphere is available on preorder for a super early bird price of $1,199 and the Moon tent for $799 on Kickstarter. If all goes to plan, the shipping for the inflatable Aerotent series is estimated to begin in October.
![Aerogogo One–Click Inflatable Tent](https://cdn.homecrux.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/aerogogo-inflatable-tent-2-1024x523.jpg)
![Aerogogo Lounger](https://cdn.homecrux.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/aerogogo-7-1-1024x891.jpg)
![Aerogogo One–Click Inflatable Tent](https://cdn.homecrux.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/aerogogo-inflatable-tent-1024x650.jpg)
![Aerogogo Lounger](https://cdn.homecrux.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Aerogogo-2-1024x1024.jpg)
![Aerogogo Lounger](https://cdn.homecrux.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/aerogogo-5A-1024x512.jpg)
![Aerogogo One–Click Inflatable Tent](https://cdn.homecrux.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/aerogogo-inflatable-tent-5.jpg)
![Aerogogo One–Click Inflatable Tent](https://cdn.homecrux.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/aerogogo-inflatable-tent-3-1024x686.jpg)
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