For the last few days we have been talking about designs that would surely entice dog lovers. However for a change, this time around we have come across a Japanese contrivance that could come in handy for pet cat owners. Borne out of the necessity of space for both humans and cats in Japan, the design (which seems to be DIY in nature) is actually a cage like catwalk built outside of a house. Constructed in various levels, the caged structure essentially provides two advantages at one go. Firstly it gives your precious cat the option of going ‘outdoors’, which on many levels endows greater psychological as well as health benefits to your pets. Secondly, and more importantly, the ‘outdoor’ credentials are also kept pretty safe, as now your innocent cat (being protected by the cage) can’t get stuck on tree tops. Now, that is what we call ingenuity at its best!
The innovative design was actually discovered by Nekomemo, a Japanese site entirely dedicated to our feline friends.
Via: Nekomemo
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This is not in Japan, it is in Saanich, BC, Canada, and was built by Beautiful World Living Environments.