In Iceland, a reality show called ‘Keeping Up with the Kattarshians’ has been created for cat lovers. This show is a cat version of the Kardashian clan’s show, featuring four 9-week-old kittens: Guðni, Stubbur, Briet and Ronja. Living together in a tiny doll house in Reykjavík, the cute kittens have their own bunk-beds, scratch-posts and even their own pictures up on the wall. This doll house seems like a dream home of every feline.
The reality show is a cooperation project with The Icelandic Cat Protection Society and Icelandic Food And Veterinary Authority, the Animal Welfare Officer and the Expert Veterinarian and Animal Welfare Officer. Produced by local news site Nútíminn along with the cat shelter Kattavinafélagið (the cat-friendship society), this show is aiming to raise awareness of stray cats and help them find a home.
In the show, you can see each cat with its own history and peculiar character. Here’s a little description about each character:
Stubbur is the pack leader. He suffered an injury to his tail and the veterinarian had to amputate part of it.
Briet is an optimistic character with a little uptight nature, but quite determined.
Ronja was initially the weakest of the group as she was the only one not gaining weight. But she is a fighter and has now recovered.
Guðni is a black and white male who loves to tease his siblings and absolutely loves eating all the time.
Find out more updates on the Kattarshians Facebook page.
Via: Mashable
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