Camping is less fun and more hassle when you have gear such as a tent, tools, and supplies on your back. Don’t forget the stove and utensils. If you are an avid camper (or trekker) who loves the idea of outdoor adventure but hates carrying heavy stoves, FireTower Ti is something you should plan on investing in.
Currently up for a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, FireTower Ti is an ultra-light titanium folding rocket stove that weighs barely 10 lbs yet heats your food with supreme efficiency. The stove even folds down flat for easy packing. I mean, who doesn’t love gear that’s compact and easy to carry? No wonder, it’s marketed as ultra-light by its maker, and from the looks of it, I assume it would deliver on the promises.
It is to be noted, that Arnaud (the designer behind the project) previously launched the Firetower stove in 2021, and has added design upgrades to the Titanium model based on the feedback. The biggest highlight of the FireTower Ti is its ‘rocket stove’ design. For the uninitiated, rocket stoves are built to maximize heat efficiency by channeling air and fuel through a narrow combustion chamber. This results in a hotter but cleaner burn (with less wood usage) that’s easy on the environment.
Setting up FirePower Ti is a breeze. As per the maker, “To set up this stove, first unfold the base of the stove and secure it by inserting the side pin. Once secured, you can drop the ashtray into place. With the base in place, you can slide on the side tube and insert the side ash plate into the stove. To keep the fire safe from the ground, place the stove on the ashtray and place the pot stand on top to start cooking.”
A glance at the campaign page shows a prototype boiling water in minutes and cooking up a full meal. The maker also gives a teaser of a folding mechanism that looks quite intuitive, as the whole thing fits in a carry pouch to keep it compact and protected when the camper is on the move.
Arnaud is no amateur player in the crowdfunding field. The maker has had a few successful campaigns in the past and has also registered on Amazon. This is a big relief, considering the number of scams going on Kickstarter is increasing by the day, and it’s getting harder and harder to detect what’s real and what’s a sham.
Also Read: Shuhu Titanium Wood-Burning Stove Folds Flat to Fit in a Handbag
The FireTower Ti is currently up for grabs on Kickstarter and can be reserved for a $97 early bird price. For those who don’t find titanium amusing, the company also offers an alternative in a stainless steel version on its website.
The only aspect I dislike or am rather doubtful about is the stove’s efficiency in bad weather and windy conditions. Nevertheless, FireTower Ti still looks like a more feasible option for stoves that boast a lot but fail on promises. Who knows, this might just be the stove that finally gets me to ditch my clunky old burner for good.

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