Seattle based award-winning brewing appliances company PicoBrew has announced a multi-brewing appliance, Pico MultiBrew. It is a revolutionary kitchen countertop brewer, with the power of advanced sensors and algorithms, which will brew high-quality coffee for you.
In addition to coffee, the MultiBrew can also prepare tea, kombucha, beer, and other beverages in any size without sacrificing taste and quality.
According to PicoBrew, this brewer will eradicate the necessity of having different brewing appliances in your kitchen as it can brew many beverages for you.
Pico MultiBrew prepares exquisite beverages at the push of the button while combining the incredible precision of brewing computer with the suitability of preparing a single cup or full carafe of coffee or tea. It can brew a cup or a keg without losing taste and excellence.
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The appliance’s patented technology provides coffee lovers with precise control over their consumption and home brewing experience. PicoBrew will be creating a list of beverage recipes that can be downloaded to prepare a beverage of choice. It’s like having a barista on your kitchen countertop.

Homebrewers are free to choose between using their own ingredients or to buy a variety of dry ingredients – freshly packed coffee beans, tea or other brewing raw material –packaged in environmentally friendly and compostable PicoPaks here.
PicoBrew will start taking pre-orders for MutiBrew at the end of this year. Meanwhile, the company wants the customers to share their opinions on the product and what they will like to brew at home.
Finally, you’ll be able to brew beer, coffee, tea or any other beverages of your choice with just one appliance and by the looks of it, it feels, the MultiBrew is here to stay. So ask the makers if you have any doubts about the product or its functions and grab one when it launches.

Via Engadget
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