Thought 3D printing is limited to architecture and furniture designs? Well, the latest DVX line of faucets by American Standard will certainly change your belief. These 3D printed metal faucets are taking bathroom fixtures to the next level, enhancing the cleansing experience like never before.
These stylish faucets are made out of solid metal, using selective laser sintering technology and took about 24 hours for 3D printing. After that, the fixtures were hand-finished to give them a more polished and sophisticated appearance.
The unique geometric design on each spigot adds a dramatic touch to the way water cascades into the sink. With Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) technology these bathroom fixtures can easily adapt to 19 waterways, allowing smooth water flow as if flowing through some natural riverbed.
Furthermore, concealed waterways are hidden inside with high-quality alloys, making water outflow appear like magic. These exquisite 3D printed metal faucets will certainly make a lasting impression on your guests.
Via: Trendir
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