US outdoor gear brand iKamper designs large, mobile and comfortable rooftop tents that can be easily set up to camp at any location. Founder of the brand Soon Park is passionate about travel and adventure, so his unique perspectives and journeys inspired him to design innovative camping products.
Recently, the company has designed a portable camp kitchen box named ITout that is an all-in-one alternative for stove, gas holder, tables, light, and other kitchen utensils required to cook your favorite recipes. All the parts cleverly fold into the storage box, so one can use the portable chuck box by simply pulling it out.
Just pull out the folding parts, and set up the outdoor camping kitchen by straightening the legs. For safety purposes, the gas holder is attached on the outside. This multi-purpose cooking station is available in three sizes and several vibrant colors. The only dissimilarity between different versions is the number of included tables, their legs, and the price.
The main storage box, stove box and the light stand of ITout are made from aluminum, while the attached tables are made of furniture-grade birch plywood. An electronic push button is included for igniting the gas stove with 8500BTU heating power.
Whether you are going on a camping tour or getting ready for a picnic at the beach or park, ITout is a handy companion to have. Wheels attached to the bottom of this portable camp kitchen allow easy portability, similar to stroller bags. It comes with some optional items, and interestingly the company is offering big discount on pre-orders for all the items.
Specifications | Small | Medium | Large | Price |
Tables | 1 | 2 | 3 | – |
Legs | 3 | 3 | 5 | – |
Dimensions of box (Closed-Open) | 37.2×37.2×39.6cm, 75.6×37.2×33.7cm | 37.2×37.2×40.5cm, 114×37.2×33.7cm | 37.2×37.2×41.7cm, 151.2×37.2×33.7cm | – |
Weight | 16.3lbs/7.4kg | 17.6lbs/8kg | 18.7lbs/8.5kg | – |
Detachable light stand (Telescopic extension) | Optional | Optional | Optional | $17-$27 (Preorder-Retail) |
Kitchen Utensils Pack | Optional | Optional | Optional | ($9-$15) (Preorder-Retail) |
Total price of the unit (Preorder-Retail) | $155-$235 | $170-$270 | $185-$195 |







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