Tonya Stecyk – a DIY enthusiast – has created an amazing mosaic floor by carefully laying out elaborate patterns with pennies. People have been laying copper penny floors for years, but this attention-to-detail project has really taken a whole new dimension. The designer withdrew $150 in pennies from the bank to create this really cool-looking unique floor. To add a color-contrast pattern on the floor, she sorted these pennies into shiny and tarnished piles and arranged them in her design with the help of Elmer’s glue. Tonya also used grout to fill crevices and epoxy to finish this gorgeous-looking floor.
She initiated her design by measuring out the space and drew an axis to follow along. Then she started gluing pennies in a diamond shape pattern right in the center of the room. The designer had to dye a few shinier pennies with ‘the liver of sulfur’ as she realized that tarnished pennies were not enough to complete this design. Hammer was used for tapping down protruding out nail heads, and a metal ruler for removing misplaced pennies that had dried. Once Stecyk neared the edge, she decided to add a wavy border to the design.
It took Tonya Stecyk 10 bottles of Elmer’s glue and grout, epoxy worth $150, and few patient months to create these symmetrical diamonds that make up the floor. You can also try this mosaic design, but make sure to have well-thought-out pattren(s), since you will be putting a lot of hardwork into its making.

Source: Imgur
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