Creative Garden City woodworker Matt Thompson of Thompson Woodworks has been making Michigan-shaped Adirondack chairs for a few years. Now, his latest chair design is grabbing a lot of attention on the internet because it comes with a custom beer dispensing system add-on.
To let the system dispense chilled beer cans, all you have do is lift up and lower a handle that also serves as a slide for your incoming can. The beer dispensing chair also features a handy slot for filling canned beverage of choice and a door on top needs to be loaded with ice to keep the cans chilled.

The holding chamber can stack a full six pack of 12-ounce cans. The ice contained can keep the cans chilled for approximately eight hours. There is also a full drainage system to prevents the ice from spilling down the chute.
Also Read: Michigan Chair Dispenses Wine as You Pull the Lever
The chair is made of cedar and Thompson has spent somewhere between $400-500 in wood to create it. So far, he has no plans of reproducing the chair, as he feels it’s not very practical to sell this or mass produce it. But we seriously think that it’s a pretty cool chair, and would love to purchase it if it ever hits the market.
Watch the video below to see how this beer chair works.

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