In collaboration with famed industrial designer Yves Béhar, Israel-based start-up Intuition Robotics has created AI-based ElliQ robot for the aged population. The robotic companion aims at encouraging the elderly to stay active and engaged in all sorts of ways, such as interacting with people on social media, picking up a hobby or other ways to keep them mentally stimulated.
You may have seen that while aging people, who live alone, often feel isolated and slowing start giving up their social and physical activities. Sometimes this even leads to depression and other mental disorders, as they start over-thinking rather than indulging themselves in social activities to keep their mind stress-free.
The hi-tech solution in the form of ElliQ aims to provide companionship to the elderly, while proactively suggesting digital content to its user. For instance, it recommends audiobooks, TED talks, music, or even a few physical activities to keep the user engaged and happy.
Besides all that, this little robotic companion even takes care of the user’s medical or other appointments, and even reminds them to take their medication. It also keeps them active on Facebook Messenger and other social media apps so that they keep in touch with their family and friends. This emotionally-intelligent device is even capable of learning the user’s preferences, behavior, and personality so that it can recommend activities accordingly.
For now, it is just a prototype, but the company will begin a trial phase at the homes of older adults in the Bay Area in February 2017.
Via: Dezeen
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