When looking for camping gear, portability is the main feature because after hiking for hours, all we wish for is a comfortable place to sit on and catch some breath. While trekking in high altitudes, rocky terrains are the only option.
In such a quandary, this foldable chair backpack is something that will give you and your legs an utterly comfortable place to rest. Claimed as the best tool for travelling, hiking and camping, fishing and hunting, the foldable chair backpack is a heavy-duty outdoor gear that comes with a built-in folding chair.
Designed to quickly zip out from the back of the bag, the chair measuring 30 x 27 x 29 cm can easily take maximum load of 100 kg. Made from waterproof polyester, the bag also provides enough space to hold a 16” notebook. Comfortable and properly cushioned, the chair hides inside the cushioned back, making it a transforming camping gear with a built-in seating. Reasonably priced at $75, the foldable chair backpack is available in two colors – black and blue.

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