Tokyo University as a part of No Salt Restaurant project has developed Electro fork that harmlessly generates salty flavor by stimulating the tongue with electricity. Based on the electric flavoring technology researched by Hiromi Nakamura at Rekimoto Lab, the fork is a blessing for people who are on a salt restricted diet.
Targeting those who need a low-salt or salt-free diet, the handle of the fork is equipped with a rechargeable battery and electric circuit. The concept, based on electric signals to enhance sourness and food texture, aims to control large intake of salt; controlling salt intake is necessary as it can increase blood pressure that increases risk of strokes and hypertension.
How the Electro fork works:
User consumes food using the Electro fork, like they would with any other fork. On press of a button on the fork handle user can permit the fork to apply an electric current to the tongue that stimulates taste cells of the tongue, allowing user to experience salty, sour, and metallic taste.
Electro fork underwent a successful trial on March 24 at No Salt Restaurant in Tokyo. No Salt Restaurant offers salt-free full-course meal consisting of salad, pork cutlets, fried rice, meatloaf and cake. For further trail, the No Salt Restaurant will again open its doors for the unique fork on April 10.
Priced for ¥2,000 (approx. $18) the prototype currently offers three degrees of saltiness i.e., salt, sour and metallic. There is no word on when the fork with hit the shelves or will it even make it out of Japan.

Via: NikkeiTechnology
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